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Article  “Kitsch  in  the  Urban  Space  of  Modern  Belarus”

Darya Buneyeva’s article “Kitsch in the Urban Space of Modern Belarus” was published in the journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus” (No 3, 2016).

The article investigates the phenomenon of kitsch in the visual art practices of urban space. The manifestations of kitsch in different branches of visual arts, the thematic focus and stylistic features of kitsch are reviewed. The author reveals the dangerous tendency when kitsch goes beyond the area of philistine’s life and permeates into the sphere of professional art. Obviously, politics aimed at beautification of urban space should be corrected, and in this article there is an attempt to develop criteria for the artworks of kitsch evaluation.

Darya Buneyeva’s article Kitsch in the Urban Space of Modern Belarus was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus No 3, 2016